Missing Auld Reekie when in The Big Smoke?!
For hundreds of years, Scots have been lured by the bright lights of London. There are around 400,000 first and second generation Scots living in London and a vibrant Scots community. For Scots, those of Scottish descent and fans of Scotland there are plenty of activities that will remind them of the delights of Scotland. The Scotch Malt Whisky Society offers regular tasting session, or. for a taste of the old country you could also pop into one of the Scottish pubs in London for a wee dram, favorite watering holes are the Rob Roy, the William Wallace and the London Scotia. Dotted around London are plaques to numerous celebrated Scottish inventors in London, and well worth checking out is the Science Museum where you can see inventions by Scots including Alexander Graham Bell, James Watt and John Dunlop. For those looking for something more active there are a number of Scottish dancing clubs such as the Ceilidh Club, the London branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance and the Gay Gordon’s London’s lesbian and gay Scottish country dance group. As well as mixing with other Scots, this also priovides an opportunity to dust off your beloved kilt or tartan sash for the ladies.
Of long standing are the London Scottish Golf Club founded in 1864 by members of the London Scottish Rifle Volunteers and London Scottish, the exiles rugby union club, formed in 1878 who play in Richmond Park and have teams of different standards and age groups. Both Rangers and Celtic football clubs have London-based supporter clubs and a casual kilt is suitable attire. On a more serious note ScotsCare, formerly known as The Royal Scottish Corporation - the 403 year old charity for needy Scots living in London - has helped more than a million people. It traces its origins to the Union of the Crowns in 1603 when King James VI of Scotland moved to London to become King James I of England. At the time Scots living in London were not eligible for help, so wealthy Scots came to their aid by putting money in a ‘Scots box’. The charity has the support of Edinburgh-born former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith, Taggart actress Blythe Duff, Lulu, Jenni Falconer, Alan Cumming, Dennis Lawson, Carol Smillie and Ewan McGregor and Lorraine Kelly. Past supporters have included Sir Walter Scott, J.M. Barrie, the late Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, who donated 100 guineas a year. The charity aims to give a helping hand to Scots who live alone, in poverty or who have a chronic illness, by giving advice, financial help and other support to First and second generation Scots in the greater London. Lorraine Kelly, an ambassador for the charity spoke about the on-going need for the organisation: ‘It (London) is a wonderful city full of opportunities and I've been very lucky to have a successful career here and to be able to be based back home in Dundee. Not everyone has the same positive experience and for desperate youngsters, who run away or those who end up in debt or are too frail to help themselves, ScotsCare are there to offer practical help and a safety net. I wish them all the best for the next 400 years." The charity receives no help from government and relies on donations. They also have ‘hundreds of Scottish volunteers, who help run our blether buddy and befriending schemes and help out at our daytrips and annual Christmas party.’