Happy Anniversary Harris Tweed!
From the islanders of the Hebrides to the tailors of Savile Row, Harris Tweed, the world’s most iconic cloth is known for its beautiful vibrant colours, hard wearing properties and rich history. Hand crafted by weavers in the Outer Hebrides for generations and loved by designers including Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith and Margaret Howell it is a fabric that is both traditional and modern.
Harris Tweed’s mark of certification is the instantly recognisable Orb which is branded onto the cloth itself. The Orb is one hundred years old this year and provides Harris Tweed lovers with the knowledge that they are buying genuine Harris Tweed that has been hand-woven by the islanders of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra in their homes, using pure virgin wool that has been dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides